Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Current Events in Context: Higgs Boson
Installation of an optical alignment system. Image by delaere.
Five decades and millions of hours of research might seem like a long wait, but for the group of physicists who discovered evidence of the Higgs Boson particle earlier this month, it was a mere blip in cosmic time and well worth the effort.
Finding conclusive evidence of this subatomic particle puts the finishing touches on the single most likely explanation (excluding gravity) for how the universe operates, called the Standard Model. Although further review of data is required, the experiments conducted at the famous European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), found a particle matching the predicted mass and behavior of the elusive Higgs Boson.
The Higgs Boson is the missing seventeenth particle in a working model of subatomic relations between a group of sibling particles with exotic names like quarks, leptons, and gluons. The forces and energies that interact between these particles are what determine the set of behaviors observed in all matter.
While it's clearly time to pop the champagne, researchers speculate that the discovery may be a mixed blessing. As they start to sift through the experimental data and better understand the properties of this potential Higgs Boson, they will likely discover details that unravel earlier theories. But for all those physicists who love the thrill of the chase, that just means more research, which can't be all bad.
If you want to brush up on your quantum theory, OCW has published several courses that cover the Higgs Boson:
8.324 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory II
8.325 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory III
8.811 Particle Physics II
New Courses
2.086 Numerical Computation for Mechanical Engineers
7.345 Non-coding RNAs: Junk or Critical Regulators in Health and Disease?
21F.315 Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Contemporary French Society
Supplemental Resource
Leadership and Empowerment: Resources from Graduate Women at MIT (GWAMIT)
Updated Courses
6.005 Elements of Software Construction
11.014J American Urban History II
11.129 Educational Theory and Practice I
12.540 Principles of the Global Positioning System
17.433 International Relations of East Asia
21A.226 Ethnic and National Identity
21A.350J Cultures of Computing
21F.040 A Passage to India: Introduction to Modern Indian Culture and Society
21L.448J Darwin and Design
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Highlights for High School
This past weekend, a huge asteroid flew by Earth at a distance of 3.2 million miles, well beyond the orbit of the moon. The asteroid was the size of a city block. Space enthusiasts were able to watch all of the action online during a live webcast of the event.
If you're interested in all things thing related to space, we highly recommend you take a look at our Chandra Astrophysics Institute course. Here you can learn about supernovas, black holes, and colliding galaxies.
> See the Chandra Astrophysics Institute course
OCW in the News
OCW has been selected as one of the "Best Free Reference Web Sites" for 2012 by a division of the American Library Association (ALA). The award is part of an annual series initiated by the MARS: Emerging Technologies in Reference Section of the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) of the ALA to recognize outstanding reference sites on the World Wide Web.
The OCW site is one of 26 other websites to be recognized this year by a committee of member librarians from across the United States. Selection criteria include the quality, depth, usefulness and uniqueness of the content, as well as the ease of accessing the information. MARS noted that OCW content was "amazingly rich" and "a great resource for self-improvement and for college students who would like extra guidance … in parallel courses."
> Read more about the award
Views from Supporters
"I'm from Pakistan and my college offered very few courses. I started using MIT OCW in 2006 and just learned by myself, specially advanced mathematics courses like Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Analysis, and so on.
After graduating from college with excellent grades, I got a scholarship to go to LSE for a Masters in Economics. While there, I learned a lot and realised how much more there is to learn.
Yesterday I finished my 1st year of PhD in Economics at Boston University. I will be taking some classes for real at MIT in the next few years.
All through my educational journey, the MIT OCW has been an invaluable source to supplement my classroom learning. I hope to become a regular supporter of this noble cause."
-Talal, Student, Pakistan
> Read more
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
CYBERCLASSROOMTV GLOBAL PROJECT: Salman Khan and his famous YouTube lessoons
Fifth-graders at eastside College Preparatory School in East Palo Alto, Calif., sit at their desks with netbooks. They're in the middle of a math lesson, listening as a teacher explains how to convert percentages to decimals. "If we get rid of the percent sign, we just have to move the decimal sign two places to the left," the instructor says. Pens scribble across notebooks.
Seven thousand miles away in Accra, Ghana, students at the African School for Excellence are studying logarithms. Their teacher is the same one firing off math tips in California--both groups of kids are learning by watching online...
The Flipped Classroom - the same as our Cyberclassroomtv Global Project - is turning homework and class tiem upsdie down.
- New Math, The Khan Academy by the numbers: 3,250 videos
- 600 million exercises completed (more than 2 million per day)
- 15,000 classrooms in which Khan Academy is used in some form
- 5,000,000 unique users per month
- 160,000,0000 videos watched since 2006
- 234 countries and territories where Khan Academy is used.
- It started with $ 10,000 donations in Salman Khan PayPal account by Ann Doerr, wife of Silicon Valley venture capital John Doerr, then she gave another donation of $ 100,000
- Bill Gates gave a Microsoft grant of 1.5 million
- Google gave a donation of $ 2,000,000
- Netflix CEO Reed Hastings followed with $ 3,000,000
- Irish entrepreneur Sean O'Sullivan gave $ 5,000,000
The process of the Flipped Classroom is similar to our Cyberclassroomtv Global Project, but it goes further with K-12 education, University education (original content and Open Learning Consoritium course curriculum for 15,000 courses worldwide), and we will expand it in all main 15 international languages to start.
For more information on how to get involved with CyberclassroomTV Global Project, please email us to:
Monday, July 9, 2012
CIENCIAS: Telescopio Hubble capta imagen de una estrella moribunda
La estrella U Cam se está acercando a la etapa final de su vida y el Hubble logró captar este momento.
09/07/2012 - 16:43
Una nueva imagen entregada por el telescopio espacial Hubble de la Nasa, que se encuentra desde 1990 observando el espacio, captó la imagen de una estrella que se está acercando al final de su vida.
La Nasa, que destacó la imagen en su galería del día, señala que la U Cam libera cada ciertos miles de años una cáscara de gas, que comienza a fundirse. El gas expulsado en esta última erupción es visible como una burbuja de gas tenue que rodea a la estrella, la que es perfectamente esférica, algo inusual ya que este es un fenómeno que suele ser irregular.
Además, la agencia espacial detalló que la U Cam es mucho menor de lo que aparece en esta imagen del Hubble. De hecho, la estrella cabría fácilmente dentro de un solo pixel en el centro de la imagen, dice la Nasa.
Friday, July 6, 2012
MICROSOFT WORLD PARTNER CONFERENCE IN TORONTO 2012: Agenda, Keynote Speakers, Visionaries, Value Lectures
Microsoft World Partner Conference Agenda
Five exciting days await you.
The Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference (WPC) is almost here! Get ready for an exciting event and plan to stay till the end. We have an action-packed week filled with an incredible lineup of guests and speakers, concluding with a partner celebration featuring the Grammy Award–winning band Train!
Get ready to attend important keynotes that convey the Microsoft roadmap for the year ahead. Microsoft executives will share their vision for the future as we embark on A New Era. Together. Be prepared to network with partners via WPC Connect and in person at partner-to-partner speed-networking events. Learn about ways to improve your business strategies in informative sessions, hear from experts in the industry, and share best practices with others in your field. Finally, learn how to generate more leads by visiting the Pinpoint Profiling Center.
On Wednesday, you won’t want to miss special guest speaker Deepak Chopra! The renowned physician, author, and thought leader of the mind-body-spirit movement will be presenting at the Air Canada Centre Arena as part of the day’s Vision Keynote addresses. You can hear from him Wednesday morning, July 11th, at 9:00 A.M.
As we round out the week, enjoy our partner celebration at Polson Pier where you’ll rock to the rhythm of Train, who will play live in concert for Microsoft partners in a nightclub-style atmosphere to wrap up what’s expected to be the biggest WPC ever.
Prepare to make the most of this great event and maximize your time with limitless opportunities for networking—all designed to help you connect, collaborate, and build your business.
The Conference Guide is available! View the Conference Guide (PDF) now.
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