December 20, 2011
The daughter of a Russian billionaire has broken New York real estate records by paying $88 million for a huge Manhattan apartment, Forbes magazine reported.
Yekaterina Rybolovleva, daughter of former fertilizer magnate Dmitry Rybolovlev, paid full asking price for the multiroom spread at 15 Central Park West, the magazine reported Monday, saying this was a record for an individual transaction in a city renowned for pricey property.
The record was previously owned by Sanford Weill, a former chairman of Citigroup.
Forbes quoted a representative for Rybolovleva, 22, saying she had "signed a contract to purchase an apartment at 15 Central Park West... Ms. Rybolovleva is currently studying at a US university. She plans to stay in the apartment when visiting New York."
She is a resident of Monaco and has lived in the principality and in Switzerland for the last 15 years, the statement said.
Rybolovlev is one of the small group of Russians who became fabulously wealthy during the post-Soviet privatization of the economy and are known as oligarchs. He is the former owner of fertilizer business Uralkali.
Yekaterina Rybolovleva, daughter of former fertilizer magnate Dmitry Rybolovlev, paid full asking price for the multiroom spread at 15 Central Park West, the magazine reported Monday, saying this was a record for an individual transaction in a city renowned for pricey property.
The record was previously owned by Sanford Weill, a former chairman of Citigroup.
Forbes quoted a representative for Rybolovleva, 22, saying she had "signed a contract to purchase an apartment at 15 Central Park West... Ms. Rybolovleva is currently studying at a US university. She plans to stay in the apartment when visiting New York."
She is a resident of Monaco and has lived in the principality and in Switzerland for the last 15 years, the statement said.
Rybolovlev is one of the small group of Russians who became fabulously wealthy during the post-Soviet privatization of the economy and are known as oligarchs. He is the former owner of fertilizer business Uralkali.
Russia’s Most Eligible Heiresses Revealed, Fathers Angry
Influential Russians are very keen to keep their private life private. And the most delicate subject is children. So no wonder that a list of the wealthiest heiresses in Russia, published by the magazine Finance a little bit ago, is causing quite a stir and has caused an extremely irritated reaction from some of the oligarchs. Their point of view is that family matters should remain taboo subject for the press.
But while some information concerning the private life of some of Russia’s most wanted brides has leaked out and is still available, let me introduce you to the most eligible heiresses. If you are impressed reading about Suleiman Kerimov’s $50 million Boeing private plane or Abramovich’s $1.2 billion yacht Eclipse, then here is some more food for thought.
These are some of the richest, the most mysterious and, if you allow me to judge from a woman’s point view, very good looking lasses.
The richest man in Russia is the Chairman of the Board Directors of Novolipetsk Steel, Vladimir Lisin. His fortune is estimated at $18.8 billion, it is well known that he had three children. But the billionaire keeps in secret the sexes and ages of the heirs. It is possible that the richest bride has already grown up in his family.
Formally, the first place in the ranking of the richest future brides belongs to the scion and director general of the Russian gas company Novatek, Leonid Mikhelson — Victoria Mikhelson. He has two children, so if you share the fortune between the heirs equally, the share of daughter will be worth a cool $ 5.9 billion.

After her, there is a daughter of super rich politician Suleiman Kerimov-Gulnara. The young lady’s dowry is estimated at $4.8 billion. It’s hard to judge on any other Gulnara merits, apart from daddy’s money, as she is carefully protected from paparazzi.
The elder daughter of the Chairman of the Board Directors or Uralkaliy Dmitry Rybolovlev Natalia is considered to be an heir of $4.25 billion. She been living abroad with her mother for more than 15 years, and at the moment she is studying in London.
Another London party girl Anna Abramovich, the daughter of oil tycoon and Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich, is also on the list of the most desirable brides. If one was to divide her father’s fortune equally between his six siblings, then each of his offspring would receive $ 2.8 billion.

Father of the gorgeous blonde Ekaterina Fedun, founder and vice president of oil company LUKOIL Leonid Fedun, has provided his daughter a decent place in the ranking. Kate’s dowry is estimated at $2.5 billion.

The eldest daughter of the owner of the financial corporation Uralsib Nikolai Tsvetkov recently got married, but the youngest, Victoria, is still quite a catch with $1.7 billion in her trendy pocket.

There could be a 26-year-old Nastya Potanina among the participants. However, her father, the head of “Interros” Vladimir Potanin, decided differently. He decided to donate all his money to charities.

Apparently to win there heart or become a friend (unlike with some European princesses with their affection for bodyguards and private coaches), you have to possess a similar fortune. Though who knows, it might be worth to try.
Povera Ekaterina Rybolovleva! E dove va a dormire quando passa per New York? Anche lei ha bisogno di una casa, no? E allora papà Dmitriy (foto) ha trovato un appartamento adatto alla sua bambina di ventidue anni. In una zona sicura, mi raccomando, perchè potrebbe sempre essere che la figlia di un multimiliardario russo venga presa di mira da brutta gente. E così affare fatto: Ekaterina è diventata proprietaria di un appartamento comprato a suo nome per la bellezza di 88 milioni di dollari. Si straccia cos’ qualsiasi record precedente di vendita residenziale a un privato a New York. Notare che non è neppure la sua residenza principale perchè l’indirizzo primario di Ekaterina è a Montecarlo mentre la sua residenza abituale è presso un college americano non meglio identificato.
Chi è stato a mettere in vendita questo appartmento superlussuoso? Si chiama Sandy Weill e per coloro che non conoscono bene i principali nomi nel mondo della finanza si tratta dell’ex amministratore delegato del gigante della finanza Citigroup. A novembre aveva messo in vendita il suo appartamento al numero 15 di Central Park West anticipando che l’intero profitto dalla vendita l’avrebbe dato in beneficienza.
Tanto per regolarsi, che cosa si compra a New York per 88 milioni di dollari? Si compra un appartamento da 626 metri quadri composta da quattro camere da letto, due camini e un terrazzo di circa 185 metri quadri con vista panoramica su Central Park.
Queste non sono voci non confermate che circolano negli ambienti degli agenti immobiliari. La conferma dell’avvenuta vendita è venuta direttamente da un portavoce della ventiduenne Rybolovleva che ha emesso il seguente comunicato stampa:
“Una società di proprietà di Ekaterina Rybolovleva, figlia del ben noto uomo d’affari Dmitriy Rybolovolev, ha firmato un contratto per l’acquisto di un appartamento al numero 15 di Central Park West a New York. L’appartamento è un condominio attualmente di proprietà della famiglia di Sanford Weill”.
Il motivo per cui hanno ritenuto necessario emettere addirittura un comunicato-stampa è forse per mettere ben in chiaro che sono i Rybolvlev ad avere stracciato il record precedente.
Altra cifra da capogiro: l’investitore Christopher Flowers si era aggiudicato un’intera palazzina sulla 75sima Strada East, per ben 53 milioni di dollari. Ma erano altri tempi. Flowers l’aveva comprata prima del recente crash dei mercati e quando l’ha rimessa in vendita ha perduto un sacco di soldi: ha rivenduto la palazzina lo scorso 15 agosto per 36 milioni di dollari.
Ricordatevi questa storia la prossima volta che vi faccio la cronaca di qualche modesta realtà urbana newyorkese. Ricordatevi i contrasti estremi che si scontrano in questa città. Proprio oggi il New York Times ci racconta la storia di un immigrato dal Banglah Desh che fino a poco tempo fa non aveva neppure 50 dollari per comprare un cappotto alla figlia. Era disoccupato nonostante sei anni di esperienza come contabile nel suo paese. A risollevare le sue sorti dipsperate è stata una associazione di beneficienza cattolica Ecco qui il link alla vicenda di Abdulla Chowdhury che personalmente trovo più interessante che non quella di Ekaterina. Ma chissà? Forse anche lei ha avuto difficoltà nella sua vita!
But while some information concerning the private life of some of Russia’s most wanted brides has leaked out and is still available, let me introduce you to the most eligible heiresses. If you are impressed reading about Suleiman Kerimov’s $50 million Boeing private plane or Abramovich’s $1.2 billion yacht Eclipse, then here is some more food for thought.
These are some of the richest, the most mysterious and, if you allow me to judge from a woman’s point view, very good looking lasses.
The richest man in Russia is the Chairman of the Board Directors of Novolipetsk Steel, Vladimir Lisin. His fortune is estimated at $18.8 billion, it is well known that he had three children. But the billionaire keeps in secret the sexes and ages of the heirs. It is possible that the richest bride has already grown up in his family.
Formally, the first place in the ranking of the richest future brides belongs to the scion and director general of the Russian gas company Novatek, Leonid Mikhelson — Victoria Mikhelson. He has two children, so if you share the fortune between the heirs equally, the share of daughter will be worth a cool $ 5.9 billion.
After her, there is a daughter of super rich politician Suleiman Kerimov-Gulnara. The young lady’s dowry is estimated at $4.8 billion. It’s hard to judge on any other Gulnara merits, apart from daddy’s money, as she is carefully protected from paparazzi.
The elder daughter of the Chairman of the Board Directors or Uralkaliy Dmitry Rybolovlev Natalia is considered to be an heir of $4.25 billion. She been living abroad with her mother for more than 15 years, and at the moment she is studying in London.
Another London party girl Anna Abramovich, the daughter of oil tycoon and Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich, is also on the list of the most desirable brides. If one was to divide her father’s fortune equally between his six siblings, then each of his offspring would receive $ 2.8 billion.
Father of the gorgeous blonde Ekaterina Fedun, founder and vice president of oil company LUKOIL Leonid Fedun, has provided his daughter a decent place in the ranking. Kate’s dowry is estimated at $2.5 billion.
The eldest daughter of the owner of the financial corporation Uralsib Nikolai Tsvetkov recently got married, but the youngest, Victoria, is still quite a catch with $1.7 billion in her trendy pocket.
There could be a 26-year-old Nastya Potanina among the participants. However, her father, the head of “Interros” Vladimir Potanin, decided differently. He decided to donate all his money to charities.
Apparently to win there heart or become a friend (unlike with some European princesses with their affection for bodyguards and private coaches), you have to possess a similar fortune. Though who knows, it might be worth to try.
Queste non sono voci non confermate che circolano negli ambienti degli agenti immobiliari. La conferma dell’avvenuta vendita è venuta direttamente da un portavoce della ventiduenne Rybolovleva che ha emesso il seguente comunicato stampa:
“Una società di proprietà di Ekaterina Rybolovleva, figlia del ben noto uomo d’affari Dmitriy Rybolovolev, ha firmato un contratto per l’acquisto di un appartamento al numero 15 di Central Park West a New York. L’appartamento è un condominio attualmente di proprietà della famiglia di Sanford Weill”.
Altra cifra da capogiro: l’investitore Christopher Flowers si era aggiudicato un’intera palazzina sulla 75sima Strada East, per ben 53 milioni di dollari. Ma erano altri tempi. Flowers l’aveva comprata prima del recente crash dei mercati e quando l’ha rimessa in vendita ha perduto un sacco di soldi: ha rivenduto la palazzina lo scorso 15 agosto per 36 milioni di dollari.
YEAR IN REVIEW: 2011′s top-searched movies
Back in the good old days, the only information you had about a movie before it was released came from the ads you saw on television and in the newspaper. But now, with trailers and interviews and on-set sneak peeks released on the Internet daily, it takes a near-Herculean effort to avoid potential spoilers of the big upcoming blockbusters. Is it any wonder that most movie fans just say “forget it” and turn to Internet search engines to find out all they can?
The eagerness to consume movie information is even more understandable in 2011, which saw the conclusion of two gigantic film franchises. There was, of course, the June release of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II,” which brought to an end the big-screen adaptation of the mega-popular series of novels. And, if that weren’t enough, November saw “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part I” hit the theatres. Technically the final installment of that franchise won’t be released until November 2012, but the way “Twilight” fans reacted to the first part of the conclusion, you’d think their world had already come to an end.
Aside from “Breaking Dawn,” another three of the ten most-searched films won’t be in theatres until well into next year. “The Amazing Spider-Man,” “The Dark Knight Rises,” and “Man of Steel” are all slated for a summer 2012 release, but that didn’t stop fans from scouring the Internet for every last tidbit they could find about the upcoming blockbusters. And it’s no wonder: the studios have been teasing moviegoers with teeny tidbits of information, whether it’s a promotional photo of what the new Batman villain looks like or presenting “Spider-Man” stars Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone at the San Diego Comic Con in July.
Top-searched movie terms of 2011:
Harry Potter
Dark Knight Rises
Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn
The King's Speech
Black Swan
Green Lantern
The eagerness to consume movie information is even more understandable in 2011, which saw the conclusion of two gigantic film franchises. There was, of course, the June release of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II,” which brought to an end the big-screen adaptation of the mega-popular series of novels. And, if that weren’t enough, November saw “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part I” hit the theatres. Technically the final installment of that franchise won’t be released until November 2012, but the way “Twilight” fans reacted to the first part of the conclusion, you’d think their world had already come to an end.
Aside from “Breaking Dawn,” another three of the ten most-searched films won’t be in theatres until well into next year. “The Amazing Spider-Man,” “The Dark Knight Rises,” and “Man of Steel” are all slated for a summer 2012 release, but that didn’t stop fans from scouring the Internet for every last tidbit they could find about the upcoming blockbusters. And it’s no wonder: the studios have been teasing moviegoers with teeny tidbits of information, whether it’s a promotional photo of what the new Batman villain looks like or presenting “Spider-Man” stars Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone at the San Diego Comic Con in July.
Top-searched movie terms of 2011:
Harry Potter
Dark Knight Rises
Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn
The King's Speech
Black Swan
Green Lantern
Battle of the Crooners: the year of the singing shows
First, there was “American Idol,” that reality TV juggernaut born in 2002, that dominated the airwaves and the ratings, for ten seasons and gave audiences Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Ryan Seacrest. The show also contributed, arguably, musical talent such as Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and Adam Lambert but also unfortunately Chris Daughtry and Taylor Hicks.
But with any successful show, a million copy-cats are spawned, and the success of “Idol” was too big to pass up for other TV networks. Thus, the battle of the reality TV singing shows was born. First came the “Idol” spin-offs (including now-cancelled “Canadian Idol,”) then a slew of shows that failed to live up to “Idol’s” hype including: “The Sing Off,” “The One: Making of a Superstar,” “Nashville Stars,” “Rock Star: INXS,” “The Glee Project,” “Canada Sings,” and “Cover Me Canada.”
But 2011 saw the launch of two shows that had the potential to rival “Idol’s” uninterrupted glory: Simon Cowell’s U.S. version of “The X Factor” and the celebrity-infused “The Voice.”
“The Voice” was hoping that its all-star roster of judges/coaches (Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Cee Lo Green) would draw in viewers when it premiered in April. But although it had a strong start, the season finale only brought in 10.8 million viewers, which paled in comparison to “Idol’s” 29.3 million for its season 10 finale even without Simon Cowell’s presence as a judge (he left the show after season 9, Paula Abdul left after season 8. Perhaps new judges Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler had something to do with it?
“The X Factor,” already a hit in the U.K., debuted in September and reunited Cowell and Abdul as judges and brought in Pussycat Dolls singer Nicole Scherzinger and record-producer L.A. Reid (controversy erupted after Brit import Cheryl Cole was dropped as a judge after only one taping.) Cowell said he would consider the show a failure if ratings dipped below 20 million viewers so he might disappointed that the show averages 13 million per episode.
So although there are two strong contenders in the mix, “American Idol” still wins the musical reality TV show battle, no contest.
But with any successful show, a million copy-cats are spawned, and the success of “Idol” was too big to pass up for other TV networks. Thus, the battle of the reality TV singing shows was born. First came the “Idol” spin-offs (including now-cancelled “Canadian Idol,”) then a slew of shows that failed to live up to “Idol’s” hype including: “The Sing Off,” “The One: Making of a Superstar,” “Nashville Stars,” “Rock Star: INXS,” “The Glee Project,” “Canada Sings,” and “Cover Me Canada.”
But 2011 saw the launch of two shows that had the potential to rival “Idol’s” uninterrupted glory: Simon Cowell’s U.S. version of “The X Factor” and the celebrity-infused “The Voice.”
“The Voice” was hoping that its all-star roster of judges/coaches (Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Cee Lo Green) would draw in viewers when it premiered in April. But although it had a strong start, the season finale only brought in 10.8 million viewers, which paled in comparison to “Idol’s” 29.3 million for its season 10 finale even without Simon Cowell’s presence as a judge (he left the show after season 9, Paula Abdul left after season 8. Perhaps new judges Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler had something to do with it?
“The X Factor,” already a hit in the U.K., debuted in September and reunited Cowell and Abdul as judges and brought in Pussycat Dolls singer Nicole Scherzinger and record-producer L.A. Reid (controversy erupted after Brit import Cheryl Cole was dropped as a judge after only one taping.) Cowell said he would consider the show a failure if ratings dipped below 20 million viewers so he might disappointed that the show averages 13 million per episode.
So although there are two strong contenders in the mix, “American Idol” still wins the musical reality TV show battle, no contest.
2011′s biggest business screwup
Queen Elizabeth had her annus horribilis, her terrible year where every misfortune that struck her family was compounded by the unwavering glare of a global media machine only too happy to take a chunk out of the once-grand rulers of the empire.
Research In Motion is now closing the books on its own annus horribilis, and the ill-starred PlayBook tablet almost single-handedly takes the blame for every well-publicized misstep. Forget ruling the wireless empire it created: RIM just wants to escape from 2011 with at least a set of keys to a minor castle.
It’s not that the PlayBook is a bad design. Quite the contrary, it’s packed with impressive, competitive hardware. Too bad for RIM that great hardware is no longer enough to move product. Too bad that RIM left out entire pieces of software, like built-in email and scheduling, then failed time and again to hit multiple deadlines for releasing updates online. RIM now promises the software will ship early in 2012. By then, Apple’s third generation of its blockbuster iPad will be on its way, and Amazon will be lighting up the low-end of the market with its Kindle Fire. Too little, meet too late.
To be fair, RIM faced a tough choice: Release a not-fully-baked PlayBook sooner to avoid being crushed by the growing Apple juggernaut, or delay the launch until all the pieces were in place. The company chose door #1, and in a market where you never get a second chance to make a first impression, the PlayBook brand was damaged almost as soon as the devices began hitting store shelves.
To make a bad situation worse, the BBX operating system powering the next generation of BlackBerry smartphones is almost entirely based on the PlayBook OS. If the PlayBook’s woes infect BBX, the Waterloo company could miss its early-2012 smartphone launch - a potentially company-killing event.
A just-announced $300 price cut has kickstarted sales and given RIM at least something to cheer about as it faces what may be its bleakest holiday season yet. But without new hardware on the horizon, the growing potential of revenue- and momentum-killing delays to the smartphone launch, and continued pressure from uber-competitors like Apple and Kindle whose offerings have already consigned the PlayBook to also-ran status, RIM’s ability to somehow turn this train wreck of a product launch into a sustainable revenue stream looks increasingly like a pipe dream.

Research In Motion is now closing the books on its own annus horribilis, and the ill-starred PlayBook tablet almost single-handedly takes the blame for every well-publicized misstep. Forget ruling the wireless empire it created: RIM just wants to escape from 2011 with at least a set of keys to a minor castle.
It’s not that the PlayBook is a bad design. Quite the contrary, it’s packed with impressive, competitive hardware. Too bad for RIM that great hardware is no longer enough to move product. Too bad that RIM left out entire pieces of software, like built-in email and scheduling, then failed time and again to hit multiple deadlines for releasing updates online. RIM now promises the software will ship early in 2012. By then, Apple’s third generation of its blockbuster iPad will be on its way, and Amazon will be lighting up the low-end of the market with its Kindle Fire. Too little, meet too late.
To be fair, RIM faced a tough choice: Release a not-fully-baked PlayBook sooner to avoid being crushed by the growing Apple juggernaut, or delay the launch until all the pieces were in place. The company chose door #1, and in a market where you never get a second chance to make a first impression, the PlayBook brand was damaged almost as soon as the devices began hitting store shelves.
To make a bad situation worse, the BBX operating system powering the next generation of BlackBerry smartphones is almost entirely based on the PlayBook OS. If the PlayBook’s woes infect BBX, the Waterloo company could miss its early-2012 smartphone launch - a potentially company-killing event.
A just-announced $300 price cut has kickstarted sales and given RIM at least something to cheer about as it faces what may be its bleakest holiday season yet. But without new hardware on the horizon, the growing potential of revenue- and momentum-killing delays to the smartphone launch, and continued pressure from uber-competitors like Apple and Kindle whose offerings have already consigned the PlayBook to also-ran status, RIM’s ability to somehow turn this train wreck of a product launch into a sustainable revenue stream looks increasingly like a pipe dream.
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