OCW has released two new courses in the innovative OCW Scholar format designed for independent learners.
Fundamentals of Biology focuses on the basic principles of biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and recombinant DNA. These principles are necessary to understanding the basic mechanisms of life and anchor the biological knowledge that is required to understand many of the challenges in everyday life, from human health and disease to loss of biodiversity and environmental quality.
> Go to 7.01SC Fundamentals of Biology
Introduction to Psychology is a survey of the scientific study of human nature, including how the mind works, and how the brain supports the mind. Topics include the mental and neural bases of perception, emotion, learning, memory, cognition, child development, personality, psychopathology, and social interaction.
> Go to 9.00SC Introduction to Psychology
> See all OCW Scholar Courses
New Courses
15.015 Macro and International Economics
15.599 Workshop in IT: Collaborative Innovation Networks
16.459 Bioengineering Journal Article Seminar
Updated Courses
12.010 Computational Methods of Scientific Programming
17.418 Field Seminar: International Relations Theory
21F.044 Classics of Chinese Literature
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Highlights for High School
Do you understand the philosophy behind leadership, the importance of teamwork, and how and why it's important to self-reflect?
If you aren't sure (or even if you are), then take a look at the Leadership Training Institute course.
It's more than lecture notes. The instructors encourage you to scream, run, think, reflect and learn in your own way.
> Find out more about the Leadership Training Institute
Courses in Context: The Business of IPOs
Photo of NASDAQ sign in New York City by broc7.
Facebook's initial public offering (IPO) began at $38.23 a share on May 18. It's now riding the waves of the stock market.
In the following courses, there are resources that look at the philosophy and mechanics behind IPOs.
15.975 Special Seminar in Management The Nuts and Bolts of Business Plans - see Study Materials. "What Are the Terms? - Part 3: Run Don't Walk To The Exit", "Steer Clear of the Tempest: A Start-Up Tragedy in Three Acts", and "WHIPLASH - (The Pitfalls of Acceleration)"
15.431 Entrepreneurial Finance - see Lecture Notes. Initial public offering (IPO)
15.402 Finance Theory II - see Lecture Notes, Section B. Lecture: Capital Structure: Informational and Dynamic Considerations
> See more courses in Entrepreneurship
Views from Supporters
"Out of rethoric, the MIT OCW is simply one of the most important serious initiatives - together with Wikipedia, Khan academy, Videolectures.net - to promote cultural advancement for everybody all over the world.
It is not a case that all of these initiatives are completely free, and they SHOULD remain free, for one simple reason: that's the only way that they can reach the people that most need it, in developing countries.
On an ethical side, I think it's also important that they remain free to promote the idea that, although universities have an obvious (enormous) management cost, the maximum effort should be put into keeping education free for everybody who cannot pay high fees. Poverty should not cause ignorance."
-Leonardo, Independent Learner, Netherlands
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