As taught in: Fall 2011
Shown above are 23 pairs of human chromosomes, with telomeres (protective DNA caps at the ends of the chromosomes) marked in white. In most human cells, telomeres become shorter with each cycle of DNA replication and cell division. The importance of telomere shortening to the process of cellular aging has been widely studied and debated. (Image by Hesed Padilla-Nash and Thomas Ried, the National Cancer Institute)
Dr. Dudley W. Lamming
Dr. Eric L. Bell
Dr. Eric L. Bell
MIT Course Number:
Course Description
Aging involves an intrinsic and progressive decline in function that eventually will affect us all. While everyone is familiar with aging, many basic questions about aging are mysterious. Why are older people more likely to experience diseases like cancer, stroke, and neurodegenerative disorders? What changes happen at the molecular and cellular levels to cause the changes that we associate with old age? Is aging itself a disease, and can we successfully intervene in the aging process?
This course is one of many Advanced Undergraduate Seminars offered by the Biology Department at MIT. These seminars are tailored for students with an interest in using primary research literature to discuss and learn about current biological research in a highly interactive setting. Many instructors of the Advanced Undergraduate Seminars are postdoctoral scientists with a strong interest in teaching.
7.03 Genetics
7.05 General Biochemistry
7.06 Cell Biology
7.28 Molecular Biology
In this course, we will explore the scientific discoveries made from studies of model organisms, including yeast, worms, flies and mice, which have led to revelations about the molecular biology of aging. We will discuss calorie restriction, an intervention that extends the lifespan of organisms as diverse as yeast and primates, and the implications for successfully intervening in age-related diseases. We will also discuss the first tests of drugs such as resveratrol (a small molecule found in red wine) and rapamycin, which may target aging pathways in mammals. We will participate in a field trip to a meeting of the Boston Area Aging Data Club, where we will meet the authors of some of the papers that we have covered in class and hear a presentation by a researcher actively working on a hot topic in the field of aging.
This course is one of many Advanced Undergraduate Seminars offered by the Biology Department at MIT. These seminars are tailored for students with an interest in using primary research literature to discuss and learn about current biological research in a highly interactive setting. Many instructors of the Advanced Undergraduate Seminars are postdoctoral scientists with a strong interest in teaching.
Course Meeting Times
Lectures: 1 session / week, 2 hours / sessionPrerequisites
Recommended prerequisites are:7.03 Genetics
7.05 General Biochemistry
7.06 Cell Biology
7.28 Molecular Biology
Course Description
Aging involves an intrinsic and progressive decline in function that eventually will affect us all. While everyone is familiar with aging, many basic questions about aging are mysterious. Why are older people more likely to experience diseases like cancer, stroke, and neurodegenerative disorders? What changes happen at the molecular and cellular levels to cause the changes that we associate with old age? Is aging itself a disease, and can we successfully intervene in the aging process?In this course, we will explore the scientific discoveries made from studies of model organisms, including yeast, worms, flies and mice, which have led to revelations about the molecular biology of aging. We will discuss calorie restriction, an intervention that extends the lifespan of organisms as diverse as yeast and primates, and the implications for successfully intervening in age-related diseases. We will also discuss the first tests of drugs such as resveratrol (a small molecule found in red wine) and rapamycin, which may target aging pathways in mammals. We will participate in a field trip to a meeting of the Boston Area Aging Data Club, where we will meet the authors of some of the papers that we have covered in class and hear a presentation by a researcher actively working on a hot topic in the field of aging.
This course will meet weekly for two hours, during which we will discuss primary research papers from the scientific literature. Students will be required to read two papers each week and come to class prepared to discuss them.Grading
This course is graded pass/fail. Successful conclusion of the course requires the completion of two assignments and regular participation in the weekly meetings.Calendar
1 | Introduction and course overview | |
2 | Introduction to calorie restriction | |
3 | Cellular senescence and telomerase | |
4 | Premature aging syndromes | |
5 | Lifespan extension in model organisms | |
6 | Sirtuins in lifespan extension | |
7 | Tor in model organisms | Written Assignment due (for students choosing papers from Week #7) |
8 | Field trip to Boston Data Aging Club meeting at Harvard Medical School | |
9 | Oxidative stress theory of aging | Written Assignment due (for students choosing papers from Week #9) |
10 | Oxidative stress and aging: Beneficial effects | |
11 | Reversing aging with drugs; activating sirtuins with resveratrol | |
12 | Student oral presentations | Student oral presentations |
13 | Reversing aging with drugs; inhibiting the TOR pathway with rapamycin |
Lecture Summaries
1 | Introduction and course overview See the Lecture Summary | No Readings |
2 | Introduction to calorie restriction See the Lecture Summary | Weindruch, R., R. L. Walford, et al. "The Retardation of Aging in Mice by Dietary Restriction: Longevity, Cancer, Immunity and Lifetime Energy Intake." Journal of Nutrition 116 (1986): 641-54. Colman, R. J., R. M. Anderson, et al. "Caloric Restriction Delays Disease Onset and Mortality in Rhesus Monkeys." Science 325 (2009): 201-4. |
3 | Cellular senescence and telomerase See the Lecture Summary | Allsopp, R. C., H. Vaziri, et al. "Telomere Length Predicts Replicative Capacity of Human Fibroblasts." Proc Natl Acad Sci 89 (1992): 10114-18. ( Rudolph, K. L., S. Chang, et al. "Longevity, Stress Response, and Cancer in Aging Telomerase-deficient Mice." Cell 96 (1999): 701-12. |
4 | Premature aging syndromes See the Lecture Summary | Varga, R., M. Eriksson, et al. "Progressive Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Defects in a Mouse Model of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome." Proc Natl Acad Sci 103 (2006): 3250-5. ( Kujoth, G. C., A. Hiona, et al. "Mitochondrial DNA Mutations, Oxidative Stress, and Apoptosis in Mammalian Aging." Science 309 (2005): 481-4. |
5 | Lifespan extension in model organisms See the Lecture Summary | Kennedy, B. K., N. R. Austriaco Jr., et al. "Mutation in the Silencing Gene SIR4 Can Delay Aging in S. cerevisiae." Cell 80 (1995): 485-96. Ayyadevara, S., C. Tazearslan, et al. "Caenorhabditis elegans PI3K Mutants Reveal Novel Genes Underlying Exceptional Stress Resistance and Lifespan." Aging Cell 8 (2009): 706-25. |
6 | Sirtuins in lifespan extension See the Lecture Summary | Kaeberlein, M., McVey M., et al. "The SIR2/3/4 Complex and SIR2 alone Promote Longevity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by Two Different Mechanisms." Genes Dev 13 (1999): 2570-80. Herranz, D., M. Muñoz-Martin, et al. "Sirt1 Improves Healthy Ageing and Protects from Metabolic Syndrome-associated Cancer." Nature Communnication 1 (2010): 1-8. |
7 | Tor in model organisms See the Lecture Summary | Steffen, K. K., V. L. MacKay, et al. "Yeast Life Span Extension by Depletion of 60s Ribosomal Subunits is Mediated by Gcn4." Cell 133 (2008): 292-302. Hansen, M., S. Taubert, et al. "Lifespan Extension by Conditions that Inhibit Translation in Caenorhabditis elegans." Aging Cell 6 (2007): 95-110. |
8 | Field trip to Boston Data Aging Club meeting at Harvard Medical School | No Readings |
9 | Oxidative stress theory of aging See the Lecture Summary | Pérez, V. I., R. Buffenstein, et al. "Protein Stability and Resistance to Oxidative Stress are Determinants of Longevity in the Longest-living Rodent, the Naked Mole-rat." Proc Natl Acad Sci 106 (2009): 3059-64. ( Schriner, S. E., N. J. Linford, et al. "Extension of Murine Life Span by Overexpression of Catalase Targeted to Mitochondria." Science 308 (2005): 1909-11. |
10 | Oxidative stress and aging: beneficial effects See the Lecture Summary | Schulz, T. J., K. Zarse, et al. "Glucose Restriction Extends C. elegans Life Span by Inducing Mitochondrial Respiration and Increasing Oxidative Stress." Cell Metab 6 (2007): 280-93. Lee, S-J, A. B. Hwang, et al. "Inhibition of Respiration Extends C. elegans Life Span via Reactive Oxygen Species that Increase HIF-1 Activity." Current Biology 20 (2010): 2131-36. |
11 | Reversing aging with drugs; activating sirtuins with resveratrol See the Lecture Summary | Baur, J. A., K. J. Pearson, et al. "Resveratrol Improves Health and Survival of Mice on a High-calorie Diet." Nature 444 (2006): 337-42. Um, J-H, S-J Park, et al. "AMP-Activated Protein Kinase-Deficient Mice are Resistant to the Metabolic Effects of Resveratrol." Diabetes 59 (2010): 554-63. ( |
12 | Student oral presentations | No Readings |
13 | Reversing aging with drugs; inhibiting the TOR pathway with rapamycin See the Lecture Summary | Miller, R. A., D. E. Harrison, et al. "Rapamycin, but not Resveratrol or Simvastatin, Extends Life Span of Genetically Heterogeneous Mice." J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 66 (2011): 191-201. Spilman, P., N. Podlutskaya, et al. "Inhibition of mTOR by Rapamycin Abolishes Cognitive Deficits and Reduces Amyloid-βeta Levels in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease." PLoS One 5 (2010): e9979. |
Written Assignment (Due Week #7 or Week #9, Student's Choice)
Students will choose one of the two papers from either Week #7 or Week #9, and will write a brief (two page) analysis, due at the beginning of class for that same week. In this assignment, students will be expected to describe the questions that the authors wanted to answer, analyze the experiments that addressed these questions (focusing on the key experiments and controls), and provide a critique of the authors' interpretations of their results.Oral Presentation (Due Week #12)
Students will prepare an oral presentation about a paper of their choice. Students will be expected to identify a topic of interest from the course, perform a literature search to identify more papers about the topic, and select one of these (subject to approval of the instructors) to be the subject of their presentations. Each student will be expected to present his or her selected paper to the class in approximately 15-20 minutes and address the same questions outlined above for the written assignment.Download Course Materials
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Lamming, Dudley W., and Eric L. Bell. 7.342 The Biology of Aging: Age-Related Diseases and Interventions, Fall 2011. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 04 Jan, 2012). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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