A rare Cuban crocodile met a bemused Pope Benedict XVI in the Vatican on Wednesday, as Rome’s Bio Park zoo celebrated its centenary with the eco-friendly pontiff
During the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Rome’s zoo, Pope Benedict XVI addressed 7,000 people in Vatican City.
Included in the audience, were zoo staff members and a rare Cuban crocodile. The reptile, represented the animals in the zoo’s park.
However, the crocodile, an endangered species, will not be staying in his Italian home. When the Pope travels to Cuba for a visit, from March 26th to the 28th, the animal will be traveling with him.
It is pbelieved the crocodile was brought into Italy illegally and found by the police, who turned it over to the zoo. When the animal is returned to Cuba, according to the Vatican, it will be released into the wild.
Pope Benedict XVI To Return Rare Cuban Crocodile (PHOTO)
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